Projeto eTwinning / Erasmus - KA229 - A lab in my pocket: application of the scientific method and experimentation with smartphones sensors (AFC)

Designação da atividadeProjeto eTwinning / Erasmus - KA229 - A lab in my pocket: application of the scientific method and experimentation with smartphones sensors (AFC)
EscolaEscola Básica e Secundária (3ºC e Sec)
Data de início1-09-2020
Data de término30-06-2021
DepartamentosCiências Experimentais
Grupos de Recrutamento/Disciplinas510 - Física e Química
550 - Informática
Ciências Naturais/Biologia/Geologia
DinamizadoresSandra Rodrigues, Susana Carreira e Miguela Fernandes
Público-Alvo9º A / 9º B / 9º C / 9º D
Breve DescriçãoBreve Descrição:
One of the main motivation behind the project, in line with the ?European Framework for Digitally- Competent Educational Organizations? is to improve schools' innovation capacity and exploit the full potential of digital technologies and content. Starting from this intent, we developed the idea we will implement in the next 2 years, originated from the reading of the ?Science education for Responsible Citizenship report?. The introduction of this document states: ?Science education, innovation and practices must become more responsive to the needs and ambitions of society and reflect its values.They should people of all ages and talents in developing positive attitudes to science. We must find better ways to nurture the curiosity and cognitive resources of children. We need to enhance the educational process to better equip future researchers and other actors with the necessary knowledge, motivation and sense of societal responsibility to participate actively in the innovation process?.The result was the idea to transform young people?s attitudes towards science through the use of the most widespread digital tool: the smartphone. The structural lack of scientific tools and instruments in most schools (even in our schools, as evidenced by the ?SELFIE? report attached) has led us to consider BYOD as the only alternative to the endowment of expensive scientific laboratories: na internet connection and a mobile phone, in fact, are not just for taking pictures and shooting video stories for instagram, or to watch the YouTube channel of your own favourite celebrity. Nowadays mobile phones are equipped with operating systems that enable them with an impressive computing capacity.We consider that, as teachers, our most important task is to educate young people, passive users of technological tools, to a more conscious use of them.The activities we propose, therefore, will not focus on the risks but on the great potential in using smartphones in the classrooms. We?ve planned and developed this transnational project to enable teachers and pupils to work together, enrich their lives and interact. All within learning and teaching contexts both national and international, sharing expertise and comparing the respective methodologies adopted in the classrooms . In this way all the participants involved will have the opportunity to become more skilled and self conscious about digital and scientific competences. Running scientific experiments in classroom with smartphones will make STEM disciplines more attractive to female students: according to the UNESCO report "Cracking the code: Girls? and women?s education in STEM", only 30% of STEM students in higher education globally are women. This gender disparity is alarming, especially as STEM careers are often referred to as the jobs of the future. The goal is make students change their point of view, from simple users to active creators, becoming active learners and critical thinkers.
Articulação com o Projeto EducativoObjetivo 1
Promover o sucesso de todos os alunos, prevenir o abandono escolar e desenvolver a qualidade das aprendizagens, numa perspetiva de escola inclusiva.
Objetivo 2
Desenvolver metodologias transversais que permitam integrar a diversidade de saberes.
Objetivo 3
Consolidar práticas de articulação curricular que garantam a sequencialidade das aprendizagens.
Objetivo 4
Aprofundar as relações entre a escola e a comunidade.
Objetivo 5
Fomentar uma cultura de avaliação permanente.
Objetivo 6
Consolidar uma cultura de escola em que todos os intervenientes se sintam envolvidos, estimulando parcerias e o desenvolvimento de projetos nacionais e internacionais.
Objetivo 7
Formar cidadãos autónomos, solidários, sensíveis, responsáveis e interventivos que respeitem a diversidade humana e cultural.
ObjetivosPromover a interculturalidade através da aproximação de culturas;
Desenvolver as competências digitais;
Desenvolver o interesse nos alunos pela Investigação/Ciências;
Estimular nos alunos a utilização das tecnologias móveis para uma utilização consciente e eficiente nas suas aprendizagens;
Registar as atividades no Twinspace;
Desenvolver competências linguísticas, de colaboração e comunicação.